Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Genesjs: a neat implementation of genealogy tree in pure HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript

As a new spare-time project I have just released small web-application. This is actually a single page intended for offline use. It provides a viewer functionality for interactive genealogy trees, and uses JavaScript or JSON file as a source of the actual data about your family. The number of supported types of graphs is minimal, but sufficient for the start. The diversity of personal fields and relations is not large as well. Yet on the other hand, the simplicity is a plus.

The idea behind the project was to provide a tool for building genealogy trees without a need to install a heavy application with long dependencies or register somewhere. Genesjs is a solely in-browser and standalone solution and solves all the problems.

If you think there is a typo in the name, then it's not. An application concerning your genesis and written in js should surely have name Genesjs ;-).

Here is some screeshots.

You can download version 1.0 here.

Bugs, suggestions? Feel free to contact me.